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Why is the dentist so expensive?

” WHY is going to the dentist so expensive?”
Well, we are  going to answer that question today.
 Here’s why going to the dentist costs what it does:
• Equipment is expensive — The next time you visit your dentist, look at the amount of equipment he or she has in their office . We have X-ray machines onsite, and every examination room has a drill (with all manner of attachments), water, and suction. It’s all obscenely expensive. Heck, the chair alone costs as much as some cars do. Not to mention that overhead light.
• Changing Technology — Once the above equipment is paid off, it’s generally at the end of its useful life. A good, dentist will always invest in the best equipment. Have you noticed how much X-ray technology has changed (we use digital X-rays.)  That stuff is shockingly expensive, but we cannot do my job without it. 
• Materials –  The material cost of your crown is probably more than half the total fee. More than half the total fee, for that little tiny thing. It’s crazy to us as well. 
• Personnel — Since we have our wonderful hygienist on staff. And, there ist always TWO people working on you at all times — Dr. Mciff and his awesome assistant. Not to forget Stacy upfront. 
• Insurance (mine) — Like physicians, I am required to have a large amount of malpractice insurance. And it’s really, really expensive..
Add the entire thing up, and you have an overhead number that is simply amazing in how large it is. I know most people won’t believe me, but nobody becomes a dentist to get rich. Especially a general dentist. This doesn’t include  normal bills like rent, heat, and water. 
I hope this post was at least informative to you in regards to high dental costs.We only want the best for our awesome patients. We hope you understand why we are expensive, but know you are important to us and we truly care about your smile here at McIff dental care. 
Until next time, keep smiling.

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31 West 100 South Suite C
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
Call: 801-785-0083

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